Vestido/Dress: Bowtique - Ella Dress - L$ 1
Capa/Coat: *Tea Time* Winter Cowls - New
Skin: *MY UGLYDOROTHY - Skin of the Sunday8 - L$ 150
Laço/Bow:: Blah. - My Dolly Bow - Gacha/ L$ 50
Meias/Tights: *G Field*
Luvas/Gloves: Indyra Originals
Botas/Boots: Bukka
Cabelo/Hair: Truth
Look #2:
Outfit: - CHANDELLE - Set Chandelle #006 - New
Skin: *MY UGLYDOROTHY - Special Skin 03 - L$ 1
Cabelo/Hair: Action Womens Hair Marjorie - Group gift Adesão/fee: L$ 250
Boina/Hat: ""D!va"" Fur hat - Group gift
Luvas/gloves: +:+WTG+:+
Meias/Tights: Izzie's